高考网汇集整理《高二英语学习方法:将问与答进行到底原则四》 原则四:就回答提问 在Q&A的过程中,很多时候大家会觉得问了一个问题后就无话可说了,于是会出现冷场的局面,然后一拍两散,去寻找新的搭档,重演旧的悲剧。其实,如果两个人只要都稍微经过练习,就能做到一直谈下去,特别是在英语角这个地方,除非他累了。具体的方法就是,与其去想几十个问题,还不如先想好一个问题,然后在对方回答的过程中,顺着对方的思路去开发新的问题,这样一来向对方传达出你对他回答的兴趣,又给他不断表达的机会,然后用上面一个原则表达自己的观点,效果也是很好的。比如: A: What’s your name? B: York. A: Very special name, isn’t it? Do you like it? B: Sure. It was given by my first English teacher in middle school and it became my personal favorite English name. A: Interesting. It seems that he influenced you a great deal. What’s he like? B: Actually I don’t remember much about him but what impressed me most was his easygoing personality and he is a kind guy too. A: Well, middle school student generally hate teachers, don’t they? B: Yes, because we were too active and hated being controlled and disciplined. But I would like to say that he is an exception because he was ready to help any student in need and he seemed to understand us better, sometimes much better than our parents did. A: Is there any specific example that you would like to share with me? I’m really interested in it. 为了让大家看得清楚这个原则的应用,这里的问答就没有采用多句的原则,效果自然不言自明。最有默契的搭档是这样做的:A铺垫提问,B陈述回答+提问,A陈述回答+提问,循环往复,以至无穷。 大家在掌握了这个额技巧以后,更重要的还是要明白说话的语言质量,内容以及逻辑性,这也是以后的文章会不断提到的。其实英语交流和中文交流一样,如果大家遇到了什么问题,首先考虑在中文交流过程中怎么解决的,很大程度上可以类推到英语中的。 (责任编辑:admin) |