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http://www.newdu.com 2020-03-28 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    第一卷(选择题 满分115分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. Who works the hardest ?
    A. Jim B. The woman C. Joe.
    2. Where does this conversation take place?
    A. In a typewriter repairing shopB. In an office C .In a drugstore
    3. How will the woman's coffee be?
    A. Black B. With sugar C. With cream
    4. What does the man mean?
    A. The food should be kept warmB. They should have eggs for supper
    C. It's extremely hot outside
    5. How soon will the man's uncle arrive?
    A. In 20 minutesB. In 15 minutes C. In 5 minutes
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Why doesn't Linda want to give up her apartment?
    A. Because she doesn't have time to move
    B. Because the rent is reasonable
    C. Because she has trouble finding another apartment
    7. What is Linda mostly likely to do about her apartment?
    A. Rent it to the man she is talking to.
    B. Rent it to Bruce the man mentioned
    C. Leave it as it is.
    8. What did the man do yesterday?
    A. He went to see his friendB. He visited his brotherC. He watched a play
    9. Why was the man late ?
    A. Because he had to leave the companyB. Because he talked with his friendC. Because he had to finish his work first
    10. What would he man like to do after he graduates?
    A. Work at a local hotel or ravel agency B. Go on to graduate school
    C. Work as a college teacher
    11. What does the woman major in?
    A. Hotel management. B. French C. Computer science
    12. How does the woman pay for college?
    A. She has a part-time job at a restaurant B. She received a four-year academic scholarship
    C. Her parents are paying for all her tuition and books
    13. What do we know about Barbara?
    A. She has an unhappy marriage. B. She has made up with her husband.
    C. She will take her daughter to her parents.
    14. What will happen to Jenney?
    A. She will be with her father. B. She will be with her mother.
    C. She will be with her grandfather.
    15. What will Barbara' s parents do for her?
    A. Take her and her daughter homeB. Talk with her not to break up with her husband
    C. Talk with her not to take the responsibility to be a single parent.
    16. How did the woman find Barbara 's decision?
    A. Helpful B. Silly C. Reasonable.
    17. How does counting money kill pain ?
    A. It helps people fall asleep
    B. It makes people feel anxious .
    C. It boosts feelings of self-worth and self-sufficiency.
    18. What did the researchers do during the experiment?
    A. They give them medicine.
    B. They make the participants feel a little painful..
    C. They take the participants' money away
    19. Which of the following can also reduce painful feelings?
    A. Looking at the money. B. Collecting pictures C. Looking at a picture of a loved one
    20. Why do some patients touch their pets in hospital?
    A. Because they can't leave their pets.
    B. Because they like their pets very much.
    C. Because they can take less painkilling medicine by doing this. 

