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    高一英语必修1上册的Unit2课文English around the World,讲述了英语的发展历史,比较了各地英语,尤其是英式英语和美式英语的异同。为了帮助同学们更加全面深入的理解,今天好网高中英语1对1老师给的大家带来Unit2课文的拓展阅读素材。其中包含一些阅读选段及单词解析,同学们收藏学习吧!
    The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by Nobel Prize-winning British writer Kazuo Ishiguro. 
    The story is told from a first person point of view. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary while the action progresses through to the present. Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton.
    故事的主人公Mr. Stevens 是一个传统的英国大管家,在达灵顿公馆工作。而这个公馆的现任主人是一个美国人Mr.Farraday。不同文化背景熏陶的主仆同住一个屋檐下,自然尬聊多多。
    Mr. Stevens是传统的英国人,他的形象不但体现了个人性格,更从一个侧面体现了英国人的民族性格和职业修养。他的话语非常正事,做事也周到谨慎, 特别为自己的职业而自豪。
    On seeing my person, he took the opportunity to inform me thathe had just that moment finalized plans to return to the United States for aperiod of five weeks between August and September. Having made this announcement, my employer put his volumes down on a table, seatedhimself on the chaise-longue, and stretched out his legs. 
    通过第一人称英国大管家Mr. Stevens的表述,这一连串的动词,特别能体现出英式表达的正式,有一种英国贵族“端着”的感觉。大家通过以下文字,体会一下:
    没有用as soon as he saw me, 
    而是用on seeing my person
    2. 告诉我:
    没有用tell me
    而是用inform me
    3. 最终决定:
    没有用finally decided the plan
    而是用finalized plans to
    4. 说完之后:
    没有用:having said these words
    而是用: having made this announcement
    5. 书:
    6. 在贵妃椅上坐下
    没有用sat down on the sofa
    而是用seated himself on the chaise-longue
    如: stretched out his legs. 
    It was then, gazing up at me, that he said:“You realize, Stevens, I don’t expect you to be locked up here in this houseall the time I'm away. Why don't you take the car and drive off somewherefor a few days? You look like you could make good use of a break." ... "I'm serious, Stevens. I really think you should take a break. I'll foot the bill for the gas. You fellows, you're always locked up in these big Houseshelping out, how do you ever get to see around this beautiful country ofyours?" ...
    总体用词非常口语化,尤其是付汽油费“foot the bill”;“你们”称为“you fellows”。
    Mr. Steven 刚开始拒绝了Mr. Farraday's 的建议
    "It has been my privilege to see the best of England over the years, sir,within these very walls."Mr Farraday did not seem to understand this statement, for he merely wenton: "I mean it, Stevens. It's wrong that a man can't get to see around his owncountry. Take my advice, get out the house for a few days.As you might expect, I did not take Mr Farraday's suggestion at all seriouslythat afternoon, regarding it as just another instance of an Americangentleman's unfamiliarity with what was and what was not commonly donein England.
    同样是欣赏英国最美丽的风景,大管家Stevens的用词极为讲究,首先他说自己“很荣幸(my privilege)”在这个公馆中“within these very walls”已见识了英国最精华的部分"the best of England"。而美国人Mr Farraday却认为美丽的风景在户外“get out the house”建议Stevens"see around", 用词和Stevens的英式风格很不相同。Steven的认为Mr Farraday这么做,是因为美国人不了解英国人的习惯。英国人是不是都这么宅呢?
    但Mr. Stevens后来又改变了主意,想再次提起去旅行这件事,动脑筋想办法找最好的时机。他谨慎的性格,由此可见:
    It was clear, then, that I had to choose my moment wisely. In the end, I decided the most prudent moment in the day would be as I served afternoon tea in the drawing room. ..
    谨慎的挑选时机,不但“choose my moment wisely”最后决定了“prudent moment”(最恰当的时机),也没有用proper, right表示恰当,而是用了一个非常文绉绉的词“prudent”.
    尽管时机千挑万选,却因为关心一位“女士”而重提旅行,爱开玩笑Mr. Farraday知道后,怎么会放弃这么好的打趣机会!
    In any case, MrFarraday seized the opportunity to grin broadly at me and say with some deliberation:"My, my, Stevens. A lady-friend. And at your age."This was a most embarrassing situation, one in which Lord Darlingtonwould never have placed an employee. But then I do not mean to implyanything derogatory about Mr Farraday; he is, after all, an American gentleman and his ways are often very different.
    "I'd never have figured you for such a lady's man Stevens," he went on."Keeps the spirit young, I guess. But then I really don't know it's right for meto be helping you with such dubious assignations."
    he was, I am sure, merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States, no doubt, is a sign of a good, friendly understanding between employer and employee, indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport.
    极有画面感的表情(grin broadly at me),调侃专用的夸张语气(say with some deliberation),戏谑大管家“撩妹”的直白攻势,及把这些尴尬归结为美国绅士“非常不同”的无语大管家,让这场景颇具喜剧效果。对比了人物性格,也折射出他们各自的民族性格。
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