高考网汇集整理《高二英语备考:英语标点的正确使用(四)》 四、Ellipsis (...) 省略号 英文省略号的写法是三个小黑点(...),而中文是则是六点(……)。用法如下: 4.1 句子删节 4.1.1 表示在引号中的删节: 1. “...into that good night.” 2. “You won't...” Lois began. (错误:“You won't...,”) 3. “Then you'd blast off...on screen, as if you were looking out...of a spaceship.” ------------------------------------------------- 4.1.2 在句子中间删节,跟着省略号的字母必须小写: 1. He agreed that prices were...reasonable. ------------------------------------------------- 4.1.3 句尾删节,要点四点(....): 1. She disagreed with the decision.... (最后一点是句号? ) ================================================= 4.2 表示在对话或叙述中的停顿、犹豫、踌躇、语气强调等: 1. Clutching at his throat, he gasped, “Help...help me.” 2. He seemed nervous...stared straight ahead...kept twitching and jerking...then he ran for shelter. 3. You mean...I...uh...we have a test today? ================================================= 4.3 段落的删节 4.3.1 删节一段以上,以一行小点代之: This is paragraph 1. ................................. (表示删节第2-4段) This is paragraph 5. --------------------------------------------------- 4.3.2 如果段落删节开始开某段的中间,点四点表示下面的文字被删节: This is.... (这里点四点,表示从这里开始删节) ....................(这里点一行,表示其中的段落被删节) This is paragraph 5. --------------------------------------------------- 4.3.3 如果删节的最后一段只省略中间的一部份,最后一段的开始处点三点: This is paragraph 1. ................................ ...is paragraph 5. (...表示它之前的第五段文字被省略) ==================================================== (责任编辑:admin) |