高考频道整理《美文共赏:如果给爱情保鲜》,供高考考生参考,希望对考生有所帮助。 1. Start each day withI think this one is not that hard; on the contrary; it can be healthy and nice. 用一个吻迎接新的一天。接吻如此简单,却能令人身心愉悦。 2. Date once a week--May not as often as once a week, let's say every other week or that a date can be inside your home and that you don't have to go somewhere fancy to have it, you get the idea, right? 一周约会一次。也不必非得一周一次,也可以两周一次。而且约会的地点可以在家中,不必非去什么特别的地方。你是不是明白了?有心就好。 3. Accept differences--No one is perfect. However; healthy arguments are good for the relationship, hence; the most important thing would be learning how to compromise with one another. 接受彼此的不同,因为人无完人。适度的争论可以增进双方的关系,但重要的是要在争论中懂得妥协。 4. Be polite--Please, thank you, you are welcome… these are not only meant for strangers; your own spouse and family should come first and you must always use these phrases inside your home. 多用礼貌用语。请、谢谢、不客气这些话不只要说给陌生人听,更要说给你的伴侣和家人听。在家里要记得多用这些客气话。 5. Be gentle--a person is supposed to be the closest to his/her spouse, being gentle is crucial to keep them close enough. 温柔一些——若想关系亲密,温柔是至关重要的。 6. Give gifts--nice small gifts are appreciated every once in a while. 给对方送礼物——偶尔送些甜蜜小礼物,就能令对方感激不尽。 7. Touch--intimacy between married people is very important and touching is a means of communication that reflects closeness, connection and love; it is your way of keeping the spark alive. 抚触——情侣间的抚触非常重要,它可以增进情感,传达爱意。它是情感交流的一种方式,它可以让爱的火花常燃不熄。 8. Talk about dreams--dreams of the future that is; if you don't share your dreams with your spouse; then who? 谈论梦想——说说对未来的憧憬。试想,若不和伴侣分享你的梦想,那么还能同谁讲呢? 9. Select a song that can be "our song" —— this sounds like a cliché, but it can be nice, don't you think? 选一首歌作为“你俩的歌”——听起来有点老套,但是不是很美妙? 10. Laugh together--laughter is medicine. When you share good laughs together; the fun grows in the relationship and you grow closer and stronger every day. 一起开怀大笑——笑是良药。当你俩一起开怀的时候,你们的关系也会伴随着笑声一天天地亲近和坚固起来。 11. Send a card for no reason--another cliché? Maybe, but everyone likes to receive a nice "I love you" or "I miss you" notes every once in a while. 没什么缘由地送张卡片——又很老套吗?不过谁不喜欢时不时地收到些“我爱你”,“我想你”之类的卡片呢? 12. Listen--this could be the most important one ever, but note that you should listen with empathy and not just hear what they are saying; you should get involved. 聆听——这非常重要,但注意聆听的时候你应该全情投入并参与其中,而不仅仅只是听到了对方说的话。 13. Encourage--positive support and being there for one another is also very important; seek their support and give them yours and be generous! 鼓励——彼此支持是非常重要的。向对方寻求支持并慷慨地给予对方支持! 14. Do it his or her way--sometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings. 按照对方喜欢的方式行事——有时候,你可以按照对方喜欢的方式行事,并以此来传达你对伴侣的爱恋和尊重。 15. Know his or her needs--what good is a spouse if he/she does not know the needs of their significant others? This should be your primary concern! 知道对方的需求——如果不知道另一半的需要,那还算什么好伴侣?这一点是首先需要留心的。 16. Compliment twice a day--everyone likes to hear something nice as a compliment; so give them that when it is due. 每天互相恭维两次——人人都爱听恭维话,所以在适当的时候说些好话。 17. Call during the day--but don't over do it and be obsessed with calling him/her. Give them their space but also show them that you think of them by a 2-minutes phone call saying "how are you doing?" 打通电话——不要总是给对方打电话。给他们一些空间的同时,打个简短的问候电话,让他们了解你的惦念。 18. Cuddle--yes; intimacy is very important and reflects love and deep feelings. 拥抱——是的,亲昵的行为可以传达爱意,增进情感。 19. Show respect--showing respect is more important than showing love. 尊重对方——显示你的尊重比表达爱意更加重要。 20. Welcome the other person home--show enthusiasm when they come home and greet them; this means that you are happy because they are home now and that you were waiting for them! 欢迎另一半回家——热情地欢迎你的伴侣回家。让他们感受到你的期盼和你的快乐。 21. Celebrate birthdays in a big way--this does not mean a big party; just show them you care about their personal occasions. 隆重庆生——并不是说你要为对方的生日大操大办,而是说你要传递出你很重视这个特别日子的信息。 22. Forgive--from the heart and not only in words. 宽恕——自心底而不是嘴上说声原谅。 a kiss-- 23. Set up a romantic getaway--this sounds like fun every once in a while; no harm in that! 策划一次浪漫出游——时不时搞一次,其乐无穷,完全没有副作用! 24. Respond quickly to the other person's request--show them that you are doing this because you care for them the most. 快速响应对方的需求——这样做就是为了显示你有多么在意对方。 25. Treat each others' friends and relatives with courtesy--even if you don't like their family and/or friends, you treat them with respect and courtesy for the sake of your spouse; they deserve that much. 善待对方的朋友和亲属——即便你不喜欢伴侣的朋友和亲属,为了你的伴侣,你也要善待他们。 26. Admit when wrong--don't be too arrogant to say it. 有错的时候认错——不要自负到拒绝认错。 27. End the day with a hug--show closeness and again; intimacy. 用拥抱结束一天的生活——再次用亲昵的行为表达亲密的关系。 高考频道将第一时间发布高考报名信息、高考招生简章、自主招生等考生关注的热点资讯! (责任编辑:admin) |