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http://www.newdu.com 2020-03-28 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 听力理解(共9小题,每小题1分,满分9分)
    1.How many athletes took part in the first Special Olympics?
    A. About 1, 000. B. 3,000,000. C. 150.
    2. When did Eunice Kennedy Shriver receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
    A. In 1968. B. In 1984. C. In 1990.
    3. What’s the biggest problem for the disabled according to Andrew Imparato?
    A. That they have no equal right to receive education. B. That they lack equal treatment in transportation.
    C. That they have fewer opportunities to be employed.
    4. What can we know about Wonderful Town according to the woman?
    A. It is a famous movie. B. The tickets were expensive. C. It is a comedy.
    5. How long did the woman spend in New York?
    A. A week. B. Two months. C. Three months.
    6. What’s the woman’s favourite place in New York?
    A. The Empire State Building. B. Chinatown. C. Central Park.
    7. What did the woman do in London?
    A. She taught in a primary school. B. She taught in a high school.
    C. She taught in a college.
    8. What do we know about the woman’s home town?
    A. It’s in the south of England. B. It’s busy and expensive. C. It's small and cheap.
    9. Why doesn’t the woman want to move back to her home town?
    A. Because she doesn’t want to leave her friends.
    B. Because it’s hard to get a job in teaching.
    C. Because all her family members have moved out.
    第二节 听取信息(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)
    听下面一段独白。 请根据题目要求,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16—20的空格中。录音读两遍。
    This week Swimmers ___10___ at the world championships in Rome.
    In __11__Full-body swimsuits first appeared.
    On __12__ Paul Biedermann defeated Michael Phelps in the two-hundred-meter freestyle.
    On __13__ Michael Phelps won the __14__ butterfly.
    Last SundayLance Armstrong finished __15__ in cycling.
    第二部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
    A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation. Every day, she would ask five of the young Navajo students to __16__ the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem from their homework.
    They would stand there, silently, __17__ to complete the task. Mary couldn’t figure it out. __18__ she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she __19__ hadn’t seen anything like it in her student-teaching days back in Phoenix.
    What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who can’t do the problem? Mary would wonder. No, __20__ couldn’t be that. Finally she asked the students what was wrong. And in their answers, she learned a __21__ lesson from her young Indian pupils about self-image and a(n) __22__ of self-worth.
    It seemed that the students __23__each other’s individuality and knew that __24__of them were capable of doing the problems. __25__ at their early age, they understood the senselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would win if any students were shown up or embarrassed at the __26__ . So they __27__ to compete with each other in public.
    Once she understood, Mary changed the system __28__ she could check each child’s math problem individually, but not at any child’s expense __29__ his classmates. They all wanted to learn, __30__ not at someone else’s expense.
    16.A.go to B.come to C.get close to D.bring
    17.A.happy B.willingly C.readily D.unwilling
    18.A.Anything B.Nothing C.Everything D.Neither
    19.A.seldom B.certainly C.hardly D.never
    20.A.they B.it C.everything D.each
    21.A.outstanding B.surprising C.annoying D.frightening
    22.A.sense B.image C.way D. aspect
    23.A.had B.ignored C.respected D.cared
    24.A.none B.no one C.each D.not all
    25.A.Especially B.Even though C.Even so D.Even
    26.A.time B.situation C.chalkboard D.condition
    27.A.refused B.rejected C.tried D.promised
    28.A.if B.so that C.unless D.in case
    29.A.in favour of B.of C.by means of D.in front of
    30.A.and B.but C.so D.or
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)
    I went to the seaside to spend my holiday last summer holiday with my family. One day, I was swimming in the river __31__ someone shouted, “Look out. There is a shark not far away!” on hearing the shout, I was scared to __32__ (die) because I was well aware __33__ its dangerous characteristic. “Just don’t worry, Tom!” my father said to me, “but in order to avoid being harmed, let’s go back to our hotel.”
    We stayed in the seaside for about two weeks. Though the weather was __34__ hotter than that in my hometown, I got used to __35__ and __36__ (feel) at home. Every morning, I got up earlier than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then I went to have __37__ chat with my new friend, John, who I happened to come __38__ during my holiday. John was a native and he was familiar with the seaside well. He was a man __39__ good qualification. Soon we became very good friends. After we parted, we have been kept writing to each other. Now, I still often hear from him. We talked in our letter about things and persons__40__ we remembered in the seaside. 

