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高一英语复习资料:2010-2011 学年期中考试试卷

http://www.newdu.com 2020-03-28 新东方 佚名 参加讨论

    2010-2011 学年(上)高一期中考试英语试卷及答案
    试卷分值 120分 试卷时间 100分钟
    1.After having ______ big breakfast, he went to play ______ violin.
    A. a, a B. a the C. / , the D. / , the
    2. ______ of the land in that district _____ covered with trees and grass.
    A. Two fifth , is B. Two fifth , are C. Two fifths , is D. Two fifths , are
    3. I was ______ about the idea of Mary coming to visit, so I’m looking forward to _________ .
    A. enthusiastic ,her coming B. worried , she coming
    C. nervous ,coming D. pleased, come
    4. She _____ keep cats but one attacked her and she doesn’t any more.
    A. would B. is used to C. used to D. would like to
    5. This person is diligent . I have never met _____ person before.
    A. a diligent B. a more diligent C. the more diligent D. the most diligent
    6. She found her grandmother couldn’t express herself ______before.
    A. so fluently as B. as fluent as C. much fluently than D. more fluent than
    7.At the meeting they discussed three different ______ to the study of mathematics.
    A. means B. ways C. approaches D. methods
    8. Since you ______ the rules, you can correct these grammatical mistakes by yourselves.
    A. learned B. will learn C. have learned D. was learning
    9. They plant trees in order to avoid the soil ____ away from the hill.
    A. washing B. being washed C. washed D. being washing
    10.Do you mind my opening the door?
    A. No, that’s settled B. Yes , please C. No, it’s cold D. yes, better not
    11.The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing ____have attracted the government's attention. A.solving B.solve C.solved D.to solve
    12.--- What do you think of the good news ?
    --- Wonderful !.It makes us ____.Most of us were ____about it and _____ looks appeared on our faces.
    A.excited ; excited ; excited B.exciting ; exciting ; exciting
    C.excited ; excited ; exciting D.exciting ; excited ; excited
    13.--- He has never learned French.
    ---- __________.
    A.So I did B.So have I C.Nor I have D.The same with me.
    14.--- Did you went to India as planned ?
    --- No , we _____________________
    A.would rather go to my home town B.preferred to go to my home town
    C.went to my home town instead D.went to my home town rather than going to India
    15.Aboriginal (土著居民)is a word ______ to describe the people living in a place from the earliest _______ times or before European arrived .
    A.used ; knowing B.used ; known C.using ; known D.using ; knowing
    My friend and I were coming back from a youth meeting. __16___, a woman with three children, who looked__17___, started speaking to us. She said she and her kids needed __18__ , as they hadn’t eaten since morning and it was __19__ evening.
    I had thirty dollars with me and I wanted to use it to buy credit to recharge my _20__. I had intended to __21___ her and tell her I had no money to spare--- even my friends told me she was _22__ and that we should go.
    But I decided not to listen to my friend and gave her all the money. I was so _23__ when the woman burst into tears and knelt down in front of me. She said I was the _24__ person who believed her and gave her __25___ that day. She was seriously weeping and I felt very__26__.
    When I got home, I took out my phone to check if I had any __27__ calls. Suddenly, a message came in from one of my friends, saying, “ I’ve been meaning to send this _28___ to you for the past two weeks but I kept _29___. I remembered some minutes ago, so I decided to send it now.
    I was so happy. I _30__ the numbers on my phone to recharge it and I was so_31__ when I received a message from the network that I just received a 1,000-dollar credit! In my wildest _32___, I’ve never imagined I could get that as a(n) _33__ from someone.
    Whatever you _34__, you will reap(收获) it. It doesn’t have to be _35__ like mine, but never be tired of doing good if you have it in your power to do good.
    16.A.Gradually B. generally C. Fortunately D. Suddenly
    17. A. unforgettable B. unclean C. unfriendly D. unconscious
    18. A. money B. room C. time D. comfort
    19. A. also B. never C. already D. ever
    20. A. phone B. electricity C. energy D. water
    21. A. protect B. believe C. help D. ignore
    22.A. performing B. cheating C. joking D. begging
    23. A. astonished B. encouraged C. disappointed D. pleased
    24. A. same B. similar C. only D. formal
    25. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something
    26. A. excited B. embarrassed C. tired D. fixed
    27. A. missed B. fixed C. extra D. usual
    28. A. reward B. credit C. bill D. souvenir
    29. A. considering B. delivering C. forgetting D. doubting
    30. A. printed B. put C. wrote D. loaded
    31.A. amused B. scared C. amazed D. satisfied
    32. A. dreams B. goals C. destinations D. benefits
    33.A. price B. scholarship C. gift D. souvenir
    34.A. harvest B. invite C. receive D. sow
    35. A. different B. immediate C. popular D. valuable 

