朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 —— 唐 李白 下江陵 关于三峡的资料: 船出了西陵峡,经过一段宽谷的航行后就进入了长江三峡的另一座古城巴东。长江三峡的巫峡就从巴东县的官渡口开始,结束于四川省巫山县的大宁河口,全长42km,巫峡以巫山得名。她幽深秀丽,千姿百态,以俊秀著称天下。峡谷内长年云遮雾绕,细雨蒙蒙,及易形成巫山云雨的奇妙景观。谷深峡长,奇峰突兀,江流曲折,百转千回,船行其间,宛若进入奇丽的画廊,充满诗情画意,令人叹为观止。不少观光游客游过巫峡之后,感触颇深地说:“要知中国画与中国山水的关系,不到巫峡不明白。”唐朝诗人元稹曾赋诗曰:“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。”可见巫山云雨乃是天下云雨之冠了。 要求学生模仿课文,叙述三峡工程。 Step III Practice. 根据问答提示,写一篇短文。(可做口头练习) 1. Where is the Palace Museum ? (in the center of Beijing) 2. How big is it ? (an area of 72 hectares) 3. When was it first built? (in the early 15th century) 4. How many people did it take to work on it? (1,000,000) 5. How long did the building of the project last? When was it finished? (14 years,1492) 6. What happened to some of the houses during the later years? (rebuild) 7. Who used to live in it ? (twenty-four emperors) 8. When didi it become a museum and open to the public ? (1925) 答案: The Palace Museum is in the center of Beijing. It covers an area of 72 hectares(公顷). It was first built in the early 15th century. It took 1,000,000 people to work on it. The building of the project lasted 14 years and was finished in 1420. During the later years, some of the houses were rebuilt. Twenty-four emperors used to live in it. It was not until 1925 that the Palace Museum became a museum. Since then the place has been open to the public. Step IV Practice P90 Ex 3. Step V Homework 1.If we have no time to do the writing above in class, we can leave it as homework 2.Read the text again and again. (责任编辑:admin) |