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高一英语知识点:高一(Unit15 The necklace)重难点总结

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    高考网汇集整理《高一英语知识点:高一(Unit15 The necklace)重难点总结》
    Unit15 The necklace
    新时代,人们不仅要求吃好,而且还要不停地表现自己等。在追求的同时,千万不要忘了项链的故事。本剧通过三幕情景向我们讲述了这个故事。第一幕 1870 年,在巴黎的一个公园里,jeanne 正坐在公园里,Mathilde 向她走去。可是相互之间不认识。第二幕:10 年前,在 Mathilde 和 pierre Loisel 的家里。一队夫妇被邀请参加舞会,心情特别激动,为了一时的快乐他们借项链等,可谁知项链丢失了。之后苦苦的10年可谓悲惨!第三幕:在公园,Mathilde 继续给 jeanne 讲叙着自己的故事,在随后的十年里,终于把帐还清了。可是,借的项链不是真正的钻石项链,它根本就不值钱。项链里的石头是用玻璃做成的。最多值 500 法郎。
    1. I'm sorry, but I don't think I know you.
    对不起, 我想我不认识你。
    [问]怎样翻译“I don't think I know you.?"
    2. No, Jeanne, I wasn't ill. I know I look oler than my age now. That's because of hard work -ten years of hard work. 不,珍妮,我没有病,我知道我看起来比我的实际年龄要苍老多了。那都是因为艰苦劳动造成的——十年的艰苦劳动啊!
    [问]beause of 与beause有什么区别?
    [答]beause of是介词短语,后面接名词,代词或动名词。beause是连词,连接从句,表原因。例如:Beause he didn't work hard, he failed in his final examination. 由于他学习不刻苦努力,所以在期末考试中他失败了。
    3. I'm sorry, Mathide. Have times been hard for you?对不起,玛蒂尔达。你的日子过得很苦吗?
    4. Well, I would rather not。唉,就是因为那个项链,你那漂亮的钻石项链!
    [问]I would rather not后面省略了什么?
    [答]I would rather not完整句子应该是“I would rather not tell you"。注意:would rather, had better 后面应接动词原形。
    5. Well, ... Well, it was all because of that necklace, your beautiful diamound necklace.唉,就是因为那个项链,你那漂亮的钻石项链!
    6. Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the place so I needed to borrow some jewellery.你还记得吗?10年前的一个下午,我来到你的房间并且找你借了根项链。我的丈夫,皮埃尔,当时在一家政府办公室改组哦。我们被邀请参加一个宫廷舞会,所以,我就需要借些珠宝。 when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? 是时间状语从句吗?
    [答]不是,在这里是由when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词one afternoon ten years ago.
    7. I was the only person in my office who was invited. I've written to accept the invitation.
    我是我们办公室唯一被邀请的成员。 我已经书面表示接受邀请。
    [问] who was invited做定语,是定语从句,修饰先行词the only person。accept不能由receive替换,accept是主观乐意接受;而receive是客观上收到。
    8. And a new dress costs over four hundred francs. 买一件新的要花400多法郎。
    9. I can't be the only woman who isn't wearing jewellery. 我不能成为唯一一个不戴珠宝的女性。
    [答]jewellery 做“珠宝”意思讲时是不可数名词。jewel是可数名词。有复数形式jewels。
    10. Do you have a friend who might lend you some? 你的朋友能借给你吗/
    [问] who might lend you some是什么从句?
    [答]who might lend you some是定语从句,修饰先行词a friend。
    11. So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery. Do you remember now?这样,我就来拜访你,并且问了是否我可以借一些珠宝。你还记得吗?
    [问]call on 的用法?
    [答]call on 有“拜访;号召”的意思。另外注意:call at 是“拜访某地”;call for 是“要求”的意思。
    12. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. 琳良满目的,真难挑选。
    [问]to choose为什么不用被动?
    [答]to choose 在这里用主动表示被动。
    13. On our way home that night I lookedd down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. 那天夜晚,在回家的路上,我低下头,发现项链再也不在我的脖子上了。
    [问]On our way home 的意思是什么?
    [答]On our way home 意思是“在回家的路上”on one's way to... 在……的路上”in the way 挡道。By the way “顺便说一下”。
    14. That's why I now look so old. Well, after all these years we've at last paid off all our debts. 这就是我现在显得老的原因。这些年之后,我们终于把帐还清了。
    [问]that's why...? 句型是什么从句? pay off 的意思?
    [答]that's why ... 是表语从句。“那就是为什么……?”例如:That's why I told you the truth.那就是我为什么告诉你那个真相。pay off “偿还清”。
    15. When I play a computer game, I act as one of the heroes in the game. 当我玩电脑游戏的时候,我常扮演里面的英雄。
    [问]When I paly... 句型是什么从句?act as 的意思?
    [答]此句是一个时间状语从句,表示“当……时”,例如:When I was a child, I loved to smile very much. 当我是个小孩子时,我非常喜欢笑。act as意为“充当”
    16. The student is on her way to school and she meets a girl that looks exactly like her. 一个女同学在上学的路上,碰到了和她长得一模一样的女孩。
    [问]“on one's way to... "是什么意思?that在此引导什么从句?
    [答]“On one's way to ..."是“在去……路上”的意思。that引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词“a girl”。
    例:1._____late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. (2001年京、皖春季招生考试第21题)
    A. To sleep B. Sleeping C.Sleep D.Having slept
    例:2. The men will have to wait all day_____the doctor works faster.
    A. if B. unless C. whether D. that
    简析:答案为B。 unless=if...not。
    例:3.—Did you remerber to give Mary the money you owed her? (2001年京、皖春季招生考试第14题)
    —Yes.I gave it to her_____I saw her.
    A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once
    简析:答案为B。易误选为D项,once一旦,但注意本句话的时态为过去时,陈述过去发生的事情,意思为:我一见到她就给了她。如果用 once,需把上句中的 did 改为 do 把下句中的gave,改为 will give,saw 改为 see。
    例:4.Greenland,_____island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers.
    A. it is the largest B. that is the largest C. is the largest D. the largest
    简析:答案为D。A,B项把it 和 that 改为 which 就对了,D项构成的 the largest island in the world 作主语的同位语。
    1. footprint [5fJtprInt]n. 脚印,足迹
    例:They discovered suspicious footprints in the snow. 他们在雪地上发现了可疑的足迹。
    2. fingerprint [5fIN^EprInt]n. 指纹//vt. 采……的指纹
    例:They were photographed and had their fingerprints taken. 他们将被摄下来, 然后取走他们的指纹。
    [常用词组]take a person's fingerprints采某人的指纹
    3. tire[5taiE]vt. 使疲倦;使失去(兴趣、耐心、力气)//v.想停止做某事;厌烦
    例:The old man tires very soon if the exerts himself. 这位老人一用力气就感到很累。
    She never tires of talking about her children. 她总是不厌其烦地谈她的孩子。
    4. mysterious [mis5tiEriEs]adj. 神秘的;奇怪的;难以理解的 (责任编辑:admin)