高考频道整理《2013年高中英语开学第一课教案(一)》,供高考考生参考,希望对考生有所帮助。 Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet all of you here! Welcome to Class XX, welcome to XX Middle School! Do you like your new school? Is it big? Is it beautiful? Today you are proud of XX Senior Middle School. I believe tomorrow XX Middle School will be proud of you! Have you adapted to the new environment, and have you make some new friends here? Maybe some of you miss your old friends, miss your former teachers, or maybe some of you are homesick, right? It's quite normal, but you should adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. This is a place where you will have studied for 3 years. Is it a long time? As far as I'm concerned, it's quite short. But it's one of the most important periods in your life. So seize the day, seize the hour. Our class is like a big and warm family, everyone is friendly here. If you have some problems, you can ask your classmates or your teachers for help. Now, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is XX, the new English teacher of this class. If you like you can call me Ms XX. As you can see, I'm young, right? I graduated from the university and started to work in 2006 and up to now, I have been teaching for seven years. I have some experience in teaching and managing a class. I got along well with the Ss before and I believe that we will also get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends. In my spare time, I have many interests, such as reading, surfing the internet, travelling, etc. Travelling is my favorite hobby, it can make me relax and broaden my horizon. For my work, I'll try my best to be a good teacher. I always believe nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Now, let's talk about English. Do you like English? How is your English? I hope all of you are good at English, your English is good, great, excellent, learning English is interesting, easy, just a piece of cake. Learning English is China's most sad behavior, but we have to learn it. There are many reasons for us to learn English well. First, English is an international language and it is the most widely used language in the world, according to the statistics, every one in ten people speak English. It has been said that over 75% of the word's TV programs and 80% of the information on the internet use English. With the development of our country, more and more foreigners come to China and more and more Chinese are going abroad. The communication of foreigners and us needs the language tool---English. Secondly, English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university. If you want to get good marks and want to enter a good university in three years, you must learn it well. Thirdly, your influence English can help you get a better job in the future, if you can learn English well, you will have more chances to succeed. Fourthly, English has been used everywhere in our daily life. For example,你英语如果能考150分(学生笑), 那你就太酷(cool)了,I'll take you to KFC,吃汉堡包(hamburger), 喝咖啡(coffee)可乐(cola), 坐巴士(bus)去打高尔夫(golf)保龄球(bowling). 你喜欢天天向上这种脱口秀(talk show)还是中国好声音PK赛又或者是NBA?这些节目都有很多忠实的粉丝(fans)。现在是E时代,你有E-mail吗?有MP3,P4,P5,吗?有Ipad吗?如果这些,你不知道,你就out了! As you can see, English is very useful. The advantage of learning English is far more than what have been mentioned. But for me, we learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of our love for it. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love others. So I believe as you love English every day, it will love you too. It's necessary for us to learn English. But how should we learn it well? Everyone learns English in different ways. Here I have some suggestions for you. Firstly, as the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. If you are interested in English, you'll learn better. Some students think it's not easy. So secondly, you should have confidence. Impossible means I am possible. Thirdly, the best way of improving your English is to improve your four skills-Listening, speaking, reading and writing. We should practice them every day. 1. Listen to me carefully in the English class. Listening to tapes or radio is also a good way. 2. You should be active in the morning reading class. Speak as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible. 3. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It's natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. Put your face in your pocket. 4. The best way of improving your English is reciting! 背诵的五大秘诀:A.天天背B.一定要跟着录音背C.背熟了还要背D.用零碎的时间疯狂背E.抄写下来,随身携带背. Learning English requires long time. As the famous saying goes, Rome wasn't built in one day. If one wants to master English well, spending time is essential. Now, let's talk about the differences of English between senior middle school and junior middle school. 陡坡效应:初高中英语的区别 何为"陡坡效应"? 高一是学生英语成绩波动最大的一年,因为刚进入高中的学生,无论成绩如何,如果没有超前学习,都会遭遇极强的"陡坡效应",即发现知识难度和广度都突然增加,完全超出了自己的想象;同学之间的竞争氛围甚至超过了初三。"陡坡效应"会使学生压力倍增,名次迅速落后,甚至开始怀疑自己,对学习失去兴趣。 高考专家刘飞飞老师分析说:高中英语知识量是初中的2.5倍 词汇量成倍增长,你准备好了吗? 小学6年初中3年学习词汇总量为1600词和400个左右的词组。高考要求3500词汇需要在高一高二全部学完。北师版教材,高一高二共8本英语教材,除了考纲内词汇3500词,还包括1500词左右的超纲词(词汇表上标记为*)。很多学生升入高中后的感觉就是词汇量成倍的增长了,而且背了就忘。天天的随堂听写,都能得满分,但考试的时候就想不起来。短时记忆再也不能帮助学生在考试中拿高分了,阅读题大量的生词导致了理解的障碍。 英语全部的语法内容,将会用1.5年学完,你能接受吗? 初三的学生都了解中考英语最容易的题型是考察语法的单选,15道题3分钟完成,100%正确率是很多优秀学生的常态成绩。同样的题型,在高考中却成了拉开学生差距的题型,原因是中考语法考察的知识点少、难度低、无交叉考点,而高中语法知识点加倍,侧重语境下语法应用,和不同语法知识点的区别。如上表所示,中考共学习了3种从句、8种时态。而高考则考察16种时态语态、6大类从句、非谓语动词等24个语法难点,并且每一道题,都会融合几个容易混淆的考点。 100万词的阅读量,Not kidding! 人大附中高一新生每月要完成300-400页的英文原版材料阅读,北京四中将《空中英语教室》作为学生的第二套教材每周讲解;清华附中、北大附中高一学生每月读一本英文缩略版小说;首师大附中课外使用新概念3作为课外教材,北师大附属实验中学高一开始同时使用北师版教材和大学英语第一册。为什么重点学校都会有这种折磨学生的教学方式?原因很简单:新课程标准规定,高中学生要在高中阶段完成100万词的英语阅读量,而高中3年的英语教材阅读总量大约是40万,也就是说剩余的60万词阅读要来自课外。算上高中所学科目的增加学习时间的减少,很多学生之所以在高考中完形阅读失分严重,就是因为在高一高二没能达到规定的阅读量,没有形成英语的语感。而语感是不可能在紧张的高三学习中养成的。这类的学生往往止步于高考英语的中等分数。所以,选择一本好的教材,从高一开始进行大量地阅读是冲击高考英语高分的基础。 很多学生经历过中考都会认为英语是最容易学的学科,所以进入高一后把所有的精力放在数理化学科,而高考英语150分,甚至超过了理化在高考中的分数,随着高考改革,题型的变化英语的难度也在加大。想要赢在高考,需要从高一开始提早规划,超前学习。 如果说初中像盆中摸鹅卵石的话,那么高中阶段的学习则更像海里摸贝壳,需要投入更多更大的精力以及更巧妙的方法。 高考频道将第一时间发布高考报名信息、高考招生简章、自主招生等考生关注的热点资讯! (责任编辑:admin) |