1. Fight tooth and nail 牙齿和指甲都派上用场,说明也是够拼了,这个短语的意思正是“全力拼搏”。 例:He fought tooth and nail to keep his job. 他竭尽全力保住自己的工作。 2. For all sb is worth 最大限度地发挥某人的价值,言外之意就是有多大劲使多大劲啊~ 例:I ran for all I was worth. 我拼命地跑。 3. Work fingers to the bone 干活干得手指头都细了,也能看出你很卖力气。 例:I spent the day working my fingers to the bone, and now I want to relax. 我已经卖力干活一整天了,现在就想歇歇。 4. Bust a gut Bust有“爆裂”的意思,gut可指“内脏”,看到这样的组合真是感觉要拼出内伤了,它的意思是“拼命干”。 例:We're going to have to bust a gut to finish this project on time. 为了按时完工,我们必须得拼命干。 5. Strain oneself Strain可以表示“绷得很紧”,这个词组指让人费了九牛二虎之力,过度操劳。 例:Don't strain yourself trying to think of the answer. I can tell you what it is. 别费劲想答案了,我能告诉你。 (责任编辑:admin) |