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    以下按字母顺序排列 1.ask  A.问 1) vt.
    May I ask you a question?  
    I have something to ask you.  
    Jack asked me how to start the machine.  
    She asked what time it was.  2) vi.
    I asked only out of curiosity.  
    Tom went to ask about the train.  
    If you don’t understand, ask.  B.要求;请求;征求 vt.  
    I’m going to the workers to ask their advice.  
    He asked Joe to get in touch with them.  
    He was asked to see them off.  C.邀请 vt.
    They asked us over their dinner.  
    They often ask him out to sea.  D.习语
    ask about…询问、打听  
    ask after…问候  
    ask for…请求、找某人、要求  
    ask sth. of sb. 向某人问     2.break  
    vt. A. 打破、打碎、打断  
    Who broke the window into pieces?  
    He fell and broke his leg.  
    Try not to break the silence.  
    He often breaks his promise/his word/ the law/ the rule.  
    C.习语  break away突然离开  break away from sb.脱离、离开、背弃  break down 中断、粉碎、发生故障、(身体)跨了、(机器)坏了  break forth迸发、爆发、发泄  break in闯进、打断  break in on sb.打断某人的谈话  break into…闯入、侵占  break…into pieces打碎  break off折断、突然中断  break…open 撬开  break out爆发  break through…突破  break…up开垦、破碎、解散、分解  break with sb.与某人断交  break sb’s heart使某人心碎     3.bring   A. vt. 带来、拿来(由远而近)  
    Bring me the paper, please.  
    He forgot to bring his umbrella.  
    May I bring her to see you?  
    Shall I bring the books upstairs?  
    After we were seated, she brought out dishes.  B.习语
    bring… down打落(飞机、禽鸟等)、降低(物价、温度等)  
    bring… forward提出  
    bring…into being实现、使产生  
    bring…into effect/practice实行、贯彻  
    bring…to an end/ a stop/ a close使终止、结束  
    bring… to mind使想起、回忆起  
    bring…to victory使走向胜利  
    bring…to safety带到安全地带     4.catch  A. vt. 抓住、逮住、挂住The nail caught my coat.  
    He caught my hand and held it tightly.  
    We caught ten monkeys in all.  但是 vi. 挂住
    His coat caught on a nail.  
    The kite caught in a tree.  B.赶上、搭上 We’ll hurry and catch the 10:30 bus.  C.听懂 Pease repeat it. I didn’t quite catch you.  
    Do you catch my meaning?  D.染上
    He caught a bad flu.  E.(出其不意地)撞上、碰上 She caught him smoking.  
    Some boys were caught stealing flowers from the garden.  F. 给撞上、碰上 The ship was caught in a hurricane.  
    One night we were caught in a thunderstorm.  
    Hurry up and don’t get caught in a storm.  G.习语  catch at sth. 想抓住、设法抓住  catch sb. by surprise出其不意抓住  catch/get/seize/take hold of…(突然)抓住、抓牢  catch sb’s attention/eye吸引某人注意  catch sight of…看到、发现  catch the point of…抓住…的要点  catch up赶上  catch up with…赶上…
    补上COME  come  A. vi.来She is coming in no time.
    Here comes the soup.  
    He came running all the way.  逐渐   He has come to love the stories by William Shakespeare.  
    He has come to realize the importance of good English.  B. link v.
    His dream finally came true.  C.习语  come about发生  come across…偶遇;偶尔发现  come along一道来;一起去;进步;赶快  come at…袭击  come by… 获得  
    How did you come by these pictures?  come away脱离;折断  come back回来;复员;恢复  come down倒下;跌落;传下来  come down with…患(病)  come (in) first/second得第一/二  come forth出来;涌现  come forward 前进;自告奋勇;涌现  come from… 出身于;来自  come in/ into sight出现;被看见  come into being/ existence发生;产生;出现  come into effect/ force开始生效;开始实施  come into power/ office上台;掌握政权  come into use 开始使用  come off脱落;发生  come on(风雨等)到来;演出;赶快  come out长出来;出版  come out against… 起来反对  come out with… 讲出;泄露(秘密等)  come to= come to oneslef苏醒过来  come to …总计;谈到  
    His earnings comes to $182,000 a year.  
    When it comes to football, everyone likes David Beckham.  come a conclusion得出结论;告一段落  come to a stop/ an end停止  come to nothing毫无结果;失败  come to the point说到要点;抓住关键  come up走近;长出;流行  come upon…碰见     5do  A. aux. v.  (1) 帮助构成一般过去时或一般现在时的疑问或否定式  
    They do not believe it.
    When id they arrive there?  
    (2) 用在肯定句和祈使句中加强语气  
    I do miss you, Mum.
    She does sing well.  
    Do be on time.
    So she did come after all.  
    (3) 用来表示前边提到的动作(以免重复)  
    ---May I come round in the evening?
    ---Yes, please do.  
    I knew he would help us, and he did.  
    (4) 用于某些倒装句中  
    Only then did I realize he had been wrong.  
    Never did he know anything about it.  B. 做 vt. Can I do anything for you?  
    We often do our homework together.  
    The glass is broken. who did it?  
    We did some reading last night.  
    She did most of the talking.  C. vi.
    (1) 表示生活、学习等情况How do you do?  They did very well in English but badly in maths.  How did you do in the exam?
    How are you doing?  (2) 行了、够了、可以On e piece of bread will do.  Talking with your mouth full won’t do.  (3) 做、办
    Do as you are told to.  When in Rome, do as the Romans do.  Let her do as she likes.  D.习语  do…with…处理
    What have you done with my bike?  can do with…将就用
    I can do with the old bed.  do something about…对…采取措施  do sb. a favor=do a favor for sb.帮某人个忙  do away with…废除、破除、去掉  do sb. good/harm/wrong= do good/harm/wrong to sb. 对某人有益/有害/冤枉某人  do one’s best/ bit/part=do everything/all/what one can尽力  do …up包扎、扣(纽扣)  do without…没有…也行、不需要  have something to do with…与…有关  do right/wrong做得对/做错了     6.expect  1. vt. 期待、预料、等待It’s what we’ve expected.  Is this the letter you have been expecting?  We expect to finish the work by Friday.  
    I expect that they will drop in.  
    I expect you to make more progress.  
    ---Will he be back tonight?
    ---I expect so.  
    You arrived earlier than we had expected.  2.习语  
    as (is/ was/ has been) expected不出所料  
    They came late again, as was expected.  
    expect too much of sb.对某人期待过高     7.feel感觉、觉得  A. (1) vt
    Do you feel any pain when I press here?  
    Facing this situation, they felt both joy and fear.  
    (2) link v.
    I don’t feel very well today.  
    The busier he is, the happier he feels.  
    The desk feels smooth.  
    (3) vt. 接复合宾语
    I felt someone go upstairs.  
    I felt a great weight taken off my mind after the exam.  
    She felt their eyes watching her when she came to the stage.  
    She felt herself (to be) right.  
    I felt it my duty to help you.  
    He felt it necessary to talk about his own shortcomings.  
    (4) vt.
    He felt strongly that we should take some action about the bad practice.  B. vt. 摸
    He felt the pot and it felt very hot.  C.习语  feel like doing sth.想要  feel one’s way摸索前进  feel sb’s pulse切脉  feel as if/ as though感觉似乎  She felt as if she were a member of the family.  feel quite oneself 觉得身体很好     8.find  A. vt. (1) 发现  
    I found a wallet on the street corner yesterday.  
    He found her in danger.=He found that she was in danger.  
    I found him (to be) a tough guy.=I found that he was a tough guy.  This method was found to be practical.=It was found that the method was practical.  
    I find it interesting to read these stories.= I find that it is interesting to =read these stories.  
    I found a dog killed in the park.= I found that a dog had been killed in the park.  
    I found a man breaking into a warehouse.= I found that a man was breaking into a warehouse.  (2) 找到  
    Have you found the book you have been looking for?  B.习语  find…out查清楚;弄明白;了解;打听  find one’s way to sp.设法赶到;进入  
    They found their way to the front of the crowd.  
    The news found its way to a lot of people.  find fault with sb. 对某人吹毛求疵;挑剔  find oneself…发现自己…、不自觉地…  
    They found themselves in a difficult situation.  
    Then I found myself surrounded by some boys.  
    He found himself walking in the direction to the park.  他发现自己不知不觉地在往公园的方向走。 