01 学习方法方面的问题 1.做几何题时候不会做辅助线 原因:对于几何模型认识不充分 解决方案:每一种基本的几何模型都有定义、性质和判定三方面,要将这三方面知识熟记于心。一...
(一)答题不全面 数学卷中有些综合题采用一题多问的形式,适当设置梯度,即第一小题比较简单,第二小题较难,第三小题更难。对于这类题目,部分考生只拿到了第一小题的 分数...
As more and more companies look to curb food waste, fruit scraps and ugly pieces of produce that once went into the compost bin or trash can are finding second lives. 越来越多的公司想要减少食物浪费,所以曾经被扔进堆肥...
一、三角形中常见辅助线的添加 1.与角平分线有关的 (1)可向两边作垂线 (2)可作平行线,构造等腰三角形 (3)在角的两边截取相等的线段,构造全等三角形 2.与线段长度相关的...
50句日常口语: 1. I have a complaint. 我有一些不满。 2. You’re all talk and no action. 你只会说不会做。 3. You’d better mind your own business. 你最好少管闲事。 4. I’m serious. 我是说真的。 5. Would yo...
Your lunch hour is your chance to get refocused, reenergized, and refueled for the rest of your day. Successful people treat it like the half-time show at a football game — an opportunity to regroup and consider how they’re going to pla...