The team I work in just had 2 new interns, and I happen to be their supervisor . 我所在的团队新来了两个实习生,而我恰好是他们的主管。 After todays lunch break, I saw that one of them was reading things on her smart...
1、居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。(左传) 2、人非圣贤,孰能无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。(左传) 3、知人者智,自知者明。(老子) 4、祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。(老子)...
Local Firefighters responded to a house fire over the weekend. 上周末,本地一所民宅发生火灾,本地消防队紧急出动。 Firefighter Kevan Brown went inside 一个名叫Kevan Brown的消防员冲进屋子 to make sure no o...
Optimism isnt believing everything is great, “乐观”并不是指,相信一切都非常好 its believing that there is always will be a reason to be happy. 而是相信,一定可以找到一个理由,让自己开心起来 People w...
A persons purest charm comes from his manners. 一个人最根本的魅力,来自他的修养。 This kind of charm doesnt need any decoration. It comes out of your heart and reaches directly into others hearts. 这种魅力不需要任何外...
2019 年中考语文试题分类汇编:字音字形(三) 【2019浙江杭州】 阅读下面的文字,完成1—3题。 异乡人这三个字,听起来音色苍凉;“他乡遇故知”,则是人生一快。一个 怯 生生的船...