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高考英语作文无法写出高级语句,没办法得高分?下面是高三英语辅导老师整理了2020年高考英语词汇升级和写作要点,建议收藏背诵! ![]() 第一讲 词汇升级特训 【换词大法】 有意识地将“第一反应词”替换成高级单词! 1、good a)excellent 优秀的 b)outstanding 出色的,杰出的 c)terrific 精彩的 d)wonderful 精彩的 e)kind, patient, knowledgeable, warm-hearted f)beneficial 有益的 g)amazing 令人惊喜的 / amazed 感到惊喜的 2、bad a)terrible 糟糕的 b)tiring 令人劳累的/tired 感到劳累的 c)disappointing 令人失望的/disappointed感到失望的 d)harmful 有害的 3、beautiful a)attractive 有吸引力 b)appealing有吸引力 c)elegant 优雅的 d)gorgeous 优雅的 e)of great beauty i.This picture is of great beauty. ii.I like this picture of great beauty. 4、difficult a)challenging 有挑战性的 b)of great difficulty i.Learning new words is of great difficulty for me. ii.It is of great difficulty for me to master new words. 5、different a)of great difference 6、important a)of great importance b)vital 至关重要的 c)significant 至关重要的 d)essential 必要的 7、we/us a)we/us high school students b)we/us teenagers c)we/us Chinese young generation d)we/us modern individuals 我们当代的个人 e)we/us English learners 同位语:A=B,A和B都是名词 8、should 提建议专用句型 a)ought to do sth b)be supposed to do sth c)sb had better do sth d)真的到了该做某事的时间了: It is high time that sb did sth.(虚拟语气) eg: It is high time that you got up! e)如果我是你的话,我就会…. If I were you, I would do sth. eg: If I were you, I would get up immediately. f)Why not do sth g)Why don’t you do sth h)It is beneficial for you to do sth. i)It is wise of you to do sth. j)Do sth! 直接用祈使句提建议 9、want a)would like to do sth b)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 c)have a great desire to do sth.有渴望做某事 d)be longing/thirsty for doing sth.渴望做某事 e)plan to do sth计划做某事 f)tend to do sth有倾向做某事 g)can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 10、like/love/enjoy a)be fond of sth/doing sth. b)be crazy about sth/doing sth. c)be interested in sth/doing sth. 11、happy a)joyful高兴的 b)delighted高兴的 c)of great happiness有很大幸福感的 12、sb remember sth a)sb keep in mind sth. b)sth occur to sb. 某人想起了什么 注意:这种表达方式,属于英语中的“物称主语”用法,亦称为“无灵主语”用法。 13、I forget sth. a)sth slip my mind 某事儿从我脑中溜走了 14、I think a)I take the attitude that….持有某种态度 b)I harbour the idea that…拥有某种观点 15、in my opinion,… a)From my perspective,… 从我观点来看 b)From my point of view,…从我观点来看 c)As/So far as I am concerned,.. 就我而言 d)Personally,… 从我个人而言,… 16、I believe… a)I am sure that…我确信… b)I have the confidence that…我有信心… 17、I hope… a)Hopefully, sb would do sth. 18、I know…/I heard… a)I learned…我得知 b)I acknowledge that …我承认 19、learn学习 a)master 掌握 b)pick up 顺便学到,轻松学到 20、because a)…, for…因为 b)…, in that…因为 c)…, considering that…考虑到 21、so a)…; therefore,… b)…; as a result,… c)…; consequently,… 【添词大法】 1、名词前面加多个形容词并列使用 English is an important, useful and beneficial language. 2、名词之后加同位语(找等价物) I, a common high school student, is crazy about your newspaper, the most popular newspaper in our school. 3、动词的“强化表达” sb do sth. sb have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择做某事 sb do whatever he can to do sth. 尽可能做某事 sb find/ believe it necessary/ important/ challenging to do sth. 发现/相信做某事有必要/很重要/有挑战性 【例句】He takes good care of his grandparents. He have no choice but to believe it necessary to do whatever he can to take good care of his grandparents. 4、超级副词活用大法 a)句子前:Fortunately, he won the game. b)句子后:He won the game fortunately. c)句子中间的位置:be后,实前,助实间 i.He is fortunately the only survivor. ii.He fortunately won the game. iii.He has fortunately won the game. ![]() 第二讲 轻松英语造句(上) 句式的本质在于谓语动词的含义和用法!因此,每个大纲动词的含义和用法都要掌握。 最基本的句子结构:主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质 eg:我得考个试。I will take part (in an exam). 这桌子坏了。 This desk is broken. 这是一桌子。 This is a desk. 【必须学会…】有时要先把我们想要表达的中文整理成这种标准形式后,才能翻译。 【例】断肠人在天涯。 一个伤心的人离家很远。 A sad man is far away from home. 造句困境1:中文句子没主语 造句困境2:中文句子动词太多 (一定要学会处理多余的动词,如:并列/非谓) Level 2. 对句子进行修饰、补充 I read English every day. 我每天早上在户外大声朗读英语。 I read English loudly in the open air every morning. 主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质+[方式]+[地点]+[时间] 长难句模板: [方式]+[地点]+[时间]+主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质+[方式]+[地点]+[时间] 【例】举头望明月。 我抬头and看到了明亮的月亮。 I raise my head and see the bright moon. 我往上看and看到了明亮的月亮。 I look up and see the bright moon. 【例】低头思故乡。 I look down and miss my hometown I look down and become homesick. 注意:当你造出一个句子之后,一定要反思这个句子是否真的能表达出来我们想表达的那个意思! 如何造出一个正确的小句子? Step1:先把中文整理成“标准形式” (1)要把中文意思完全直白地表达出来 (2)加主语; (3)处理“多动词”问题 Step2:将“标准形式”的中文翻译成英语。 (1)注意动词的用法 (2)造完之后一定要“反思” 黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。 花儿覆盖了路面(在黄四娘家)。 Flowers cover the path in Huangsiniang’s home. There are a lot of flowers (on the path) (in Huangsiniang’s home). 太阳当空照。 太阳照当空。 The sun is shining in the sky. 花儿对我笑。 花儿笑对我。 The flowers are smiling to me. 留连戏蝶时时舞。 调皮的蝴蝶不时地跳舞。 Some naughty butterflies are always dancing. 自在娇莺恰恰啼。 Some free birds are happily singing. Level 3. 构造复杂的句子(主从句) 当需要把以上公式中的任何一个位置用一个从句代替时,就构造了复杂的句子。 Who teaches you English read English every day. I read what Americans speak every day. I read English when I get up every morning. 从句的本质是一件“事儿”。 千朵万朵压枝低 There are thousands of flowers, which bent the branches. 中文:意合语言 英语:形合语言 中文的造句方式:意象+意象+意象…=意境 举头|望|明月。(意会) 英语的造句方式:单词X语法=句子 I look up and see the moon. (言传) 注:中文多用“无主句”,英文多用“被动句”。 公共场合禁止吸烟。 整理成标准形式:吸烟被禁止在公共场合。 翻译:Smoking is forbidden in public places. 【造句练习】 1、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 如果你想看得远,你需要站在楼的上一层。 If you want to look further, stand on an upper floor. 【你总能够通过把中文变简单而让翻译更轻松!】 2、锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。 中午,农夫在农场工作,满头大汗。 At noon, the farmer is still working on the farm with a lot of sweat on his head. 3、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。 没有人能逃避死亡。No one can escape death,.. 我们都会死。All of us will die, … 死亡是为每个人准备的。Death is for everyone,.. 没有人不会死。No can will not die,… 我要留下我的忠诚在史书上。 I will leave my loyalty on the history books. No one can escape death, so I will leave my loyalty on the history books. 4、臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。 我曾经是一个普通人,在南阳的一片农场打工。 我唯一的梦想就是活下来在这个乱世,而不是出名。 I once was a ordinary person, working on a farm in Nanyang. My only dream was to survive in this chaotic world instead of making a name for myself. 5、先帝创业未半而中道崩殂。今天下三分,益州疲弊。此诚危机存亡之秋也。然侍卫之臣不懈于内, 忠志之士忘身于外者,盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。 你爸爸死了在他实现梦想之前。 Your father died halfway before he realized his dreams. 今天,世界被分成三个国家,在其中我们是最弱的。 Today, the world has been divided into three countries, in which ours is the weakest. 这真的是很危险。 This is really dangerous. 但是,我们都努力工作,因为你爸爸对我们好,所以我们都想回报你。 However, we all work hard, because your father treated us well; as a result, we want to repay you. 第三讲 轻松英语造句(下) 【例题】 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你得知Global Mirror杂志创刊五周年之际征集读者意见,请按以下要点给杂志写信: 1、说明你是忠实读者,并表达祝贺 2、报纸优点: (1)报道国内外新闻 (2)介绍名人成功故事 3、提出建议:刊登指导英语学习文章。 注意:所有英语作文的出题老师都有一个特异功能,那就是给你一些支离破碎的、非完整的中文词或短语,让你用完整的英语句子表达出来,以此考察你的英语造句能力。 【第一段】 我是新华中学的学生李华。I am Li Hua, a student from Xin hua middle school. 我得知贵报创刊五周年。 我得知你们报纸要过五岁生日了。 I learned that your newspaper is going to enjoy its fifth birthday. 我得知你们报纸马上就要五岁大了。 I learned that your newspaper is going to be five years’ old. 万能动词:enjoy 打扑克:enjoy poker; 晒太阳:enjoy the sunshine 上网:enjoy the Internet 过年:enjoy the spring festival 我是贵报忠实读者。 我非常喜欢你们的报纸。 I enjoy your newspaper. I am crazy about your newspaper. / I am greatly fond of your newspaper. 我写信表达衷心祝贺。 I am writing to express my sincere congratulations. 只要翻译不出来,一定是中文造得太难了! 【第二段】 贵报有两大优点。 我喜欢你们报纸有两个理由。 There are two main reasons why I enjoy your newspaper. 第一,贵报报道国内外新闻。 你们报纸报道了来自国内外的新闻. Your newspaper covers news from home and abroad. 你们报纸上有新闻关于中国和其他国家。 There is news (in your newspaper) (about not only China but other countries as well). 第二,名人成功故事被介绍在你们报纸上。 关于名人通往成功的经历的故事被介绍在你们报纸上。 Stories (about famous people’s experience) (toward success) are introduced (in your newspaper). 【第三段】 我有一个建议。 I have a suggestion for you. 你们应该刊登指导英语学习文章。 Why not publish some articles on English study Dear Sir or Madam, How are you doing I am Li Hua, a student from Xinhua middle school. Recently, I learned that your newspaper is going to enjoy its fifth birthday. Needless to say, I am crazy about your newspaper. So, I am writing to express my sincere congratulations. Personally, there are two main reasons why I enjoy your newspaper. For one thing, your newspaper covers news from home and abroad, which is not only meaningful but also entertaining. For another, stories (about famous people’s experience) (toward success) are introduced (in your newspaper), which can cultivate our interests, broaden our horizons and enrich our after-school life. I have a suggestion for you. Why not publish some articles on English study Hopefully, my suggestion would be taken by you. I have the confidence that more and more readers will fall in love with your newspaper. Thanks for reading my letter in such a hot summer. Best wishes. Yours truly, Li Hua 书信结尾四大客套话: 1、我希望Hopefully, sb would do sth. 2、我相信I have the confidence that sb will do sth. 3、感谢你Thanks for reading my letter in such a hot summer. 4、请回信I am sincerely looking forward to your reply. 第五讲:书面表达之句式升级策略 【黄金圣衣句型】【前面添一添】 凑字神器+加强语气 “清明疑否不用走” It is clear that… 很明显 It is obvious that… 很明显 There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问… No one can deny… 不容否认… Needless to say,.. 不用说,…. It goes without saying that…不用说… There is no doubt that we teenagers are supposed to do whatever we can to protect the environment. 【白银裤衩句型】【后面补一补】 常见错误一:语言错误 我们要学好英语,因为高考要考英语。 我们要学好英语,因为有必要。 我们要学好英语,所以才能上大学。 常见错误二:逻辑错误 我们要学好英语,因为我们可以自己出国玩。 我们要学好英语,所以我们应该每天背单词。 正确拓展方法:(句子无缺+逻辑无误) (想到简单、正确的句子并把它翻译出来) 我们要学好英语,因为英语很重要。 我们要学好英语,以防我们未来要用到它。 我们要学好英语,所以我们应该每天背单词。 我们要学好英语,为了我们能够在高考中获得成功。 我们要学好英语,如果我们想要成功。 我们要学好英语,只要我们想要成功。 我们要学好英语,这件事我们都知道。 【白银裤衩句型】 1、…, for…因为 2、…, in that…因为 3、…, considering that…考虑到 4、…, in case…以防 5、…, for fear that…以防 6、…; as a result,…所以 7、…; therefore,…所以 8、…; consequently,..所以 9、…, so that…为了 10、…, in order that…为了 11、…so as to do sth.为了做某事 12、… in order to do sth.为了做某事 13、…, if…如果 14、…, as long as…只要 15、…, which…这件事 不容否认我们中学生应该学好英语,这门世界语言,这件事很重要。 No one can deny we middle school students are supposed to do whatever we can to master English, the international language, which we all know. 本文内容来源网络,如有侵权,请及时联系我们删除。 (责任编辑:admin) |